August Briefing 2021 – Private Equity Funds within the SBI Portfolio

MINNESOTA DIVESTMENT COALITION AUGUST 2021 BRIEFING TO THE SBI This monthly update highlights global action on fossil fuel divestment and serves to inspire MN State Board of Investment Members to take urgent action to protect our investments and stop climate change. At the May 26, 2021, State Board of Investment (SBI) meeting, board members approved …

July Briefing 2021 – Maine passes a bill to divest state investments from fossil fuels

MINNESOTA DIVESTMENT COALITION – July 2021 Briefing to the SBI This monthly update highlights global action on fossil fuel divestment and serves to inspire MN State Board of Investment Members to take urgent action to protect our investments and stop climate change. In June 2021, Maine became the first state to pass legislation that bans …

June 2021 Briefing – IEA Report calls for phasing out new fossil fuel plants

MINNESOTA DIVESTMENT COALITION – JUNE 2021 BRIEFING TO THE STATE BOARD OF INVESTMENT This monthly update highlights global action on fossil fuel divestment and serves to inspire MN State Board of Investment Members to take urgent action to protect our investments and stop climate change. IEA Report calls for phasing out new fossil fuel plants …

May 2021 Briefing – Tar Sands and Line 3

MINNESOTA DIVESTMENT COALITION – MAY 2021 BRIEFING TO THE SBI This monthly update highlights global action on fossil fuel divestment and serves to inspire MN State Board of Investment Members to take urgent action to protect our investments and stop climate change. Tar Sands and Line 3: Bad for investments, the environment, and Minnesota’s Native …

April 2021 Briefing – New York State, the University of Michigan and Blackrock begin divesting from fossil fuels

This monthly update highlights global action on fossil fuel divestment and serves to inspire the MN State Board of Investment Members to take urgent action to protect our investments and stop climate change. New York State to reduce investments in oil sands companies After making the announcement in December 2020 to divest from its riskiest …